Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tips to maintain a healty level of insanity : )

1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice!
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries with that.
4. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
5. In the Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write For Marijuana'
6. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
7. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'.
8. When The Money Comes Out of The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!'
9. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'
10. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.'
Teeny tiny baby socks, 2 receiving blankets and 2 burp cloths A 0-3 month outfit I got for $2.25 at Dollar General, and a unisex newborn outfit from A thrift store.

My favorite- Snugabyes! Gayle bought me 2 when I had Jacob and I loved them. I figured these could be used for boy or girl.

newborn girls dress, 0-3 month sleeper and nightgown

The journal my MIL bought me. I had one for Jacob, and I had looked and looked with no luck, and she found this online so she got it.I sat down and filled it , "up to date" last night. : )

Some "fat" pictures of me : )

No it's not all baby- I'm sure some's just fat! LOL
21 weeks and weighing in at 169lbs.
My favorite shirt that I splurged and bought myself for a pj shirt

20 weeks (they loaded backwards again)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Daily anticdote

This afternoon, Jacob told Mark that he wanted to "open" my belly. I asked him what was in my belly that he wanted, to which he responded, " Candy canes, and socks!" We laughed about it, then tonight, hours later he was talking to his Uncle Mike on the phone and we told him to tell Mikey what was in mommy's belly, never imagining he'd say the same thing, when he replied, "Candy canes, socks, and marshmallows!"

Weekend photos

Jacob at Grampy and Grammy's house. He thought the chair was just so great! Everytime Grammy sat down in it, he'd make her move so he could sit there. The snow angel he made with Papa M , while he was babysitting on Friday

His favorite toy at Grammy and Grampy's house

My sister Mindy sent him a box of Valentine's Day candy in the mail and it got here Friday. Here he is eating a chocolate monkey.

This is the chocolate monkey, with nibbles all the way around him. I noticed him this way, sitting on the computer desk after Jacob went to bed and it struck me funny. He literally nibbled all the way around the outside!

The other night Jacob kept crying and wanting to be held. I sat him up on the counter by me, so I could wash a few dishes. He put this hat on and I just thought he looked so adorable!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Favorite Purchase Ever!!!!

I never got to pick out any baby furniture when I had Jacob, as everything I had was either bought for me, or loaned to me second hand. So, this was the first baby "necessity we ever got to pick out together! Jacob is so excited about it. He keeps telling me that Papa wants to put the little baby in "his" seat! I love just seeing it sit here! I may just leave it there on the end of the couch till July! LOL

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Misc. Valentines Day

Jacob painting with water. I figured it would be harder for him to tip over the water if he was on the floor!
Opening his Valentine's box that Papa and Gramma W sent in the mail.
Opening his package from Gramma and Poppy Sherman

Jacob with his big Valentine's Day bear from Daddy

Eating Valentine's lunch with Gramma and Papa M. at Perkins

Monday, February 15, 2010


My "little bug" after his haircut last night with his new bug jammies from Gramma W. The beautiful bouquet of flowers from my husband for Valentine's Day

Jacob tonight at Super Walmart riding in the Tigger boat

Cherry tarts that Me, Mark and Jacob made last night. They are SOOOOO good!!!

Baby Update

Had my ultrasound today. Everything is perfectly on schedule with my duedate, to the exact day! Dr Paglia said the baby looks perfect and that I should relax and enjoy the rest of my pregnancy! They said the baby weighs 11 ounces., just slightly more than Jacob did at about 1 week earlier gestation.
This is the picture of the baby's foot, looking at the bottom of the foot: This is the baby's spine (on top- the baby is facing down), and ribcage.
This is the baby, but I can honestly say, I'm not sure what parts (other than obviously the face and body) not sure if it's front or back, but she did comment that the baby was keeping it's face against the wall of the uterus.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baby bargains!

I went shopping with Mom M. on Friday to try to find some baby things to get us through the first few weeks, and these were the bargains of the day! They are so tiny and adorable! I find it hard to believe that Jacob was ever that tiny!

More Boo-boos!

Jacob was overtired and tripped on "air." He landed on the computer chair and smashed up his face again!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A few misc. pictures

Jacob's bad hair day! The pictures dont really do it justice~

Updated ear pictures: It's really darkening from what it was.

Trying on Papa's boots!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Jacob slept semi ok last night, for those wondering. He fell asleep with me in the living room around midnight. Woke up crying twice, but both times fell right back asleep. He woke up at 10am wanting a drink, went into the bathroom and came back stark naked saying he had peed in his bed. Upon inspection, I realized he had NOT peed in his bed, he was just trying to get sympathy to get in mom and dad's bed. I put him back in bed and turned on a woody woodpecker cartoon, that bought me a little more sleep. Now I have to go tackle the day. I have 2 days worth of laundry, dishes, vaccuming, etc to catch up on and i'm wishing I could've caught about 6 more hours of sleep before starting out!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New recipe

Mark's mom gae me a big pack of chicken and I had some leftover deli ham in the freezer so I decided to try something new for supper. It was really easy and tasted really good! Jacob especially loved it!

More catastrophe's

Jacob bounced off the bed into our heater and hit his ear. It swelled up really big and turned a deep reddish purple, but the camera flash kinda washes it out some.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Little Shopper

These pictures loaded backwards. We took Jacob to Walmart to spend his C.mas money from Grammy while they are having their good clearance sales. He chose about 15 things before finally settling on this racetrack set. He was very proud of himself, and made a big deal out of getting out his little wallet and handing the money to the cashier! He was very proud of himself! He has had a blast with it. We got home about 7:10pm, and since then the only time he's taken a break from playing with it was to take a bath! It's really neat! Even mommy and daddy have had fun with it! LOL