Saturday, January 30, 2010


Sorry, no more pictures for awhile so bear with me. My only set of camera batteries started leaking battery fluid so badly, I cannot use them for fear of ruining my camera. It's been heartbreaking, as my camera is like my right arm, but I am hoping to get another set as soon as we get our tax money. Until then all updates will be pictureless! Pray for me! LOL : )

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Week 17 of pregnancy

It is so hard to believe that in 3weeks we will be halfway through! I swear my pregnancy with Jacob was 3 x's this long!
"At 4 to 5 inches long and about 7 ounces, your baby is roughly the size of a large pear. And she's ripening--the brain, muscles, nervous and circulatory systems, and urinary tract are all functioning. Amniotic fluid is pumping through her lungs. Her skeleton, composed of rubbery cartilage, will harden later. "

The neatest part is that last time, I kinda went through it alone- this time, my cousin is due beginning of June, I'm due July 8th, one friend of mine is due August 19th and another the first week in September!

Goofy little man

Jacob's grandparents bought him these socks and he is fascinated with them because he thinks someone was "naughty" and wrote on them. He took my camera and took over 20 pictures of his socks! He kept telling me, "somone write on dem. They be naughty!!!His choice of toys amazes me sometimes. Today he is playing with his "motorcycle," his rake and shovel, his butterfly net, pooh bear chair, sunglasses and a bottle of squeeze cheese. (which he is not eating, just playing with) And of course, he is complete with purple mustache from the grape juice he keeps drinking! :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Before and after

This was when I brought Jacob home after dusting, vacuuming and tidying all day...

These next 2 were tonight, about 5minutes after I got home from church, when I left Jacob in the living room while I quick ran in to the bathroom!

How can he move so quick?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fun night!

I was cleaning and had a lap full of bills that I was sorting, so when Jacob had to go to the bathroom, I told him to just go in and go, and make sure he washed his hands when he was done. He went in,ran back down the hall and told me he went potty and washed his hands.I sat here a little while longer, and when the furnace shut off I heard water running and ran down the hall .I was met by an ever-expanding puddleof water at the door.It was like 2 inches deep in the one end ,because thebathroom floor isn't level. I've used every towel, washcloth and hand towel I own and it still hasn't gotten it all! It doesn't look too bad here, but the towels are at least 4 inches deep in this picture!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jacob living the high life!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Last night Jacob climbed up on my lap with "his picture of his baby," tapped me on the chest and said, " Mommy, you have baby in your tummy-Can I hold it now?" And held his little hands out! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Meet Baby Musser!!!!!!

We got to "meet" our baby for the first time today! Everything looks good, healthy and right on schedule. We got to see the spine, the legs, the hands, the kidneys and stomach, the skull ,watch the heart beating... So cute! I could've cried! When you go through a time of thinking you may never get to experience that again, it makes you appreciate everything so much more!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Woody Woodpecker

A few shots of Christmas 2009( well actually 2010)

Our Christmas Tree with the gifts under it, New Years morning Jacob was so excited!

He opened everyone's gifts! i dont think anyone got to open their own!

So proud of his new "motorcycle!"