Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Too many hours in the day! !

I had know idea how different it would be going into pregnancy for the second time! It doesn't matter how sick you are, how utterly exhausted you are, it is impossible to catch a wink of sleep! I have quickly learned that even though Jacob will entertain himself for hours, even though he will watch cartoon clips on youtube while I take a long shower and wash my hair, even though he will lay under the tree playing with ornaments all afternoon, the second that he sees my eyes close, everything is an emergency that I simply cannot miss! UUUUggggghhhh!
We have been trying to explain to him that he cannot jump on my stomach a play rough like he used to because there's a baby in my tummy and he might hurt it. Mark has also told him on several occasions that "mommy has a baby in her tummy and doesn't feel good" so he needs to be good while he's at work! Yesterday afternoon, he got out our big quilt and layed it on the living room floor. He then layed down on it, and rolled around moaning and groaning, saying, "oh the baby in my tummy hurts! the baby in my tummy is sick!" It was pretty humorous, but i'm hoping that he's exaggerating slightly! I dont THINK I am that bad about complaining! Oh the joys and delights of having a toddler in the house!

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