Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dont even ask!

Papa Musser's Birthday Cake

Daddy helped Jacob make a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. He insisted on decorating it with 2 tiggers, a piglet and a bunch of candles. Very serious business!

The finished product!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some pictures from our weekend : )

Jacob taking care of Papa after his surgery Mark playing with Mega Blocks . Isn't he cute? : )

Jacob put his underwear on by himself for the first time! He was so proud! It was adorable!

Jacob and Gramma playing on his bean bag chair. I love the expression paired with the kool-aid mustache!LOL

Jacob and Papa W.

Mom and Dad with their 25th anniversary cake that I made

Jacob on the bike that Uncle Manley bought him for at Gramma and Papa's house

The cake I made for mom and dad's anniversary dinner

Friday, March 12, 2010

A couple of weeks ago, Jacob went into Tractor Supply Co. overtown with his grandparents. They saw some bunnies, and who knows what all else, and now he talks about it all the time and is always begging to go. Now he has started playing "Going to Tractor Too-ply!" Tonight my kitchen was where he stuffed his purchases!He "bought" his bike, numerous ride-on toys, a box of cheerios and one of spaghetti, a squirt-gun, an infant bathtub and bathseat, along with alot of other toys! By the time he got done with his little shopping trip, I could barely walk through my kitchen! Last night Jacob dragged out a tote full of toys right in front of the bathroom door. Mark told him that he needed to pick them up and put them in the tote, and instead Jacob climbed inside the tote and reached over the side to pick up the toys. And, he seemed to think he was pretty funny!

Wearing Daddy's 4-wheeler helmet! He thinks it's just awesome!

Look at that adorable little grin- and then you wonder why he gets away with everything...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Big Boy Present

Mark told Jacob that he would buy him a special present for sleeping in his Big Boy room every night without even crying or putting up a fuss, so at 12am monday morning, we were at Walmart picking out his toy- A Thomas the Train set. He was very proud! Telling Daddy how to assemble it!
Still not so sure that Daddy's doing it right!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

now it's time to bore you...

We are now at 22 weeks! The babyshould be about 7-8 inches from crown to rump, and according to the books, should weigh about 12 ounces, but seeing as how it weighed 11 at my ultrasound on the 15th, i'm thinking NOT!!! Heartburn is here in full swing, it moved in overnight a few nights ago and has hardly left since. So bad at times I cant even sleep at night!
: ( not looking forward to nearly 4 months more of this! Don't know how much I weigh yet, as my next appt isn't until the 18th. Anyway, that's the newest update! : )

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jacob's "Boat"

I bought an infant tub on Monday when I went to town and Jacob is just fascinated with it! He calls it his boat and sits in it all the time. He pretends to sleep in in, which simply involves taking off his shoes! LOL When he "wakes up," he announes, "I'm awake now!" and puts his shoes back on! My little ham!

This was taken in the 3 seconds that he WASN'T climbing all over Mark! I love that cheesy grin!

Mark's growth : )

Since Mark was gone so much last week, Jacob will not leave his side from the minute he gets home until we go to bed. He just climbs all over him and hangs onto him all night.
Talking to Daddy Kisses for Daddy

Feeling and "discussing" Daddy's beard.

Helping Daddy watch the Bachelor Season Finale

Mark was watching a movie, and since Mark's double shift last week, Jacob seems to think that he should somehow be attached to Daddy every waking moment that they're together. He pushed and shoved until he could get up behind Mark in the recliner.

I am thinking it is a little odd that it's saying my last 2 listings were a little after 4am, when it's actually 7:23!

Jacob helping with supper

Once again I had a brain fart and loaded all the pictures backwards. These are the potatoes that Jacob helped me make for supper last night. He has become quite the little helper and loves to help get dinner ready for Daddy. Setting the table. It was funny- he got out chocolate mik for himself, but got out the regular milk for Daddy! : )

Scrubbing potatoes

Lovely Morning!

Had horrible heartburn so bad it was about making me sick all night. Last looked at the clock a few minutes after 4am. Jacob woke up screaming around quarter of 5. Screamed hystercially like he was in pain or something. Couldn't get out of him what was wrong. Offered drinks, stories, candy- even offered to call and talk to Papa, but nothing would soothe him. Went that way till about 6am, with Daddy and mommy both near tears, before he finally started to calm down. Still dont know what was wrong, but this mommy was tired to the point of exhaustion, by 2am, and now here I am!
This is a picture I took of him a few minutes ago: Mark was eating some coffee icecream and Jacob thought he wanted some, so he had to sit in his "boat" with it. He never did eat any. Watching Donald Duck cartoons with Daddy, kept him occupied for about 2 minutes before he started crying like crazy again,

He had to have Daddy's feet by him.